Monday, July 16, 2012

Clash of the Bots 3

We're back from Clash of the Bots 3 with a bunch of still functional robots. Both new 1lb robots went 2-2 and have some room for design tweaks, but overall I'm very happy with their performance.

I've put together a YouTube playlist of all 34 matches I recorded and it is located at

In addition, I teamed up with MH Robotics and Team Ice to win the Robot Hockey tournament with Apollyon.

Both Algos and Klazo are going to get a few upgrades for Dragon*Con. Klazo is getting a better balanced drum. This will either be taking the current one and modifying it or outright making a new one. Algos is getting new central support rails after taking a few nasty hits at CotB3 and the cheap e-clip grooved steel shafts for the weapon motor are being replaced by O1 tool steel. As expected, the e-clip grooves provided a stress concentration point and were the location of every shaft failure. In addition, I am adding an outboard bearing to the shaft so it will be not only stronger, but in double shear. This should drastically increase reliability.

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